"Venus" character who lives in the Venus building: new-age manifestation meets Southern-belle Rapunzel character improv
French character from the Pilot Project: ENTER THE BOX by Elena Box
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As BARBIE the movie was taking the box office by storm, The Ruskin Group Theaters' Cafe Plays-- experimental 10 hour plays which are written the morning of as the writers get actors' headshots and actors learn and perform it 6 hours later-- put on this unique version: REAL WORLD PROBLEMS. Written by Emmy-award winning Ken Levine (M*A*S*H*, Cheers, Frasier, The Simpsons and more), starring Kathleen Kuhn, Shayne Dean and Lora Bofill.
Ruskin Theatre Cafe Play- written by Ken Levine, starring Kathleen Kuhn, Emmitt Butler and Shayne Stirling
"Venus" character who lives in the Venus building: new-age manifestation meets Southern-belle Rapunzel character improv
French character from the Pilot Project: ENTER THE BOX by Elena Box